Religious Education


Liturgy of the Word with Children

Liturgy of the Word with Children is a celebration of the readings in a setting and language more appropriate to their understanding. It is offered at the 9:45 am Mass. All are welcome: children, Jr./Sr. High helpers, and parents. No registration is required. Catechists and Aides are required to be fingerprinted and attend a CAP session. Liturgy of the Word is not celebrated during the months of June, July and August.

Family Liturgy

Family Liturgy is a Mass with an emphasis on our young parishioners. The homily is directed toward the children who are encouraged to actively participate. The music is provided by the Children's Choir. Families with children of all abilities are welcome to attend. The Family Liturgy is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month (October - April) at  9:45 am. 


Religious Education Classes - CCD

Religious Education begins as children enter the first grade and continues through Confirmation. Diocesan Policy states that children receive their Sacraments in the Parish in which their family is registered. To register as a student, click the REGISTER NOW link at the bottom of this page, fill out the form completely and submit. Registration will begin July 10. To insure registration, payment must be paid in full. Please mail payment to: Holy Eucharist Parish, Religious Education Office, 344 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, or drop off at the Religious Education Office. Along with registration, please remember to indicate the date your child will attend:

Choose Tuesday or Wednesday:       Grades 1 to 4          5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

                                                                  Grades 5 to 8         6:30 PM to 8:00 PM


$ 195.00 FOR ONE CHILD



PLEASE NOTE: A completed registration form AND full tuition payment is required to process the registration. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS SEPT 1ST. If submitted after that date, a $25.00 LATE FEE per family WILL BE assessed. 

Thank you!



Religious Education Catechists/Aides teach the truths of the Catholic faith to our children in Religious Education classes, grades 1 through 8. Support, training and guidance are available. Fingerprinting and attendance at a CAP session are required.


Office Help

Religious Education Office help gives one hour per week answering phones and recording attendance in the Religious Education Office. Fingerprinting and attendance at a CAP session are required.



The RCIA Team guides adults as they journey to become full members of the Catholic Church. There are two roles that parishioners play: Catechist and Sponsor. The Diocese provides occasional retreats and other opportunities to learn for both roles. RCIA meets weekly every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the parish annex, from mid-September until Pentecost Sunday. In addition, Catechists take turns leading a discussion of the current readings with candidates every Sunday from Advent until Passion Sunday.



The RCIC is a part of the Religious Education Program for children who need the introductory sacraments and/or need to catch up to their appropriate religious education grade level.


Should have any questions, or would like more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 856-428-9207 or 


Register Now












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