"In this period of crisis today, it is important not to turn in on ourselves, burying our own talent, our spiritual, intellectual, and material riches, everything that the Lord has given us; but, rather to open ourselves, to be supportive, to be attentive to others. Set your stakes on great ideas, the ideals that enlarge the heart, the ideals of service that make your talents fruitful. Life is not given to us to be jealously guarded for ourselves, but is given to us so that we may give it in turn." Pope Francis, to an audience on April 24, 2013. Please go to our Contact Us page if you are interested in joining one or more of our ministries.
Altar Linen Committee
~ Washes and irons the linens used in the Mass
~ A few hours at home every few weeks is the only commitment you need to make
Altar and Rosary Society
~ Provides a forum for parish women to meet in a prayerful and social atmosphere
~ Prays the rosary together each month, volunteers to help care for the altar, and plans several parish social events throughout the year
~ Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 10:00 am
Altar Servers
~ Assist at Sunday/Holy Day liturgies on a rotating basis
~ The ministry is open to boys and girls in grade 4 and up as well as adults
~ Initial training is required
Baptismal Garment Makers
~ Make white bibs to be given to babies at their Baptism as a symbol of being clothed in the likeness of Christ
~ Responsible for buying materials, cutting out the pattern and minor hand and machine sewing done in their own home
Boy Scouts
~ Boys in the fifth grade through age 18
~ The boys plan and execute scouting activities of their choosing, under the advice of troop leaders. The troop schedules one outdoor activity per month during the school year and participates in a week long summer camp in addition to various service projects throughout the year
Cherry Hill Food and Outreach Council
~ Collects non-perishable food on the third Sunday of each month and takes it to the Food Pantry in Cherry Hill
~ Parish volunteers are asked to work at the pantry a few hours every three months
~ Provides a special and very personal way to live our Chrisitan faith
Cub Scouts
~ Boys in kindergarten through the fifth grade can join with other boys for fun and adventure
~ Provides age appropriate activities for boys to learn about themselves and their abilities, as well as the world around them in a safe environment
~ Pack meetings are held monthly and Den meetings are held bi-weekly
~ The Cubs have regular den and pack activities, including family camping!
Environment and Art Committee
~ Responsible for general care of the sanctuary
~ Planning and preparing flowers and decorations for church for Sundays and various Liturgical Seasons
~ Time commitment varies. Some creative ability is helpful
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
~ Reverently assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Sunday/Holy Day liturgies
~ Adults 21 years of age or older, approved by the Pastor, and willing to complete the diocesan certification classes (8 hours)
~ A brief training session at Holy Eucharist Parish is also recommended
~ Service is on a rotating basis
~ Some ministers bring Eucharist to the sick and homebound as well as serve at local hospitals and nursing homes
Flocknote Parish Communications
~ Multimedia communications portal focused on sharing news and information
~ Allows registered users free access to inspirational and reflection emails and text messages
~ Registration and use is free to all members
~ Requires no downloading of software
~ Users may opt out at any time and sign up at any time
~ Text 4FAITH to 84576 (you will receive simple instrucations to sign up for whichever groups you wish to he
Folk Group
~ Leads the singing during the Sunday liturgy twice a month in a contemporary ensemble.
~ Rehearsals are held on Sunday morning preceding the liturgy and during the preceding week by mutual agreement of the group
~ Anyone with a desire to sing or experience playing an instrument is welcome to join
Health and Wellness
~ Pastoral care visitation to
homebound parishioners involves an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) or a member of the Holy Eucharist clergy visiting those parishioners who are homehound (either short-term or long term) and unable to come to church.
To request that a parishioner be added to the list of homebound parishioners to receive a pastoral care visit, contact the parish office at (856)429-1330 or send an email to: parishoffice@holyeucharistcherryhill.org
Knights of Columbus
~ Catholic gentlemen committed to promoting and living the goals of Charity, Unity and Fraternity
~ Perform charitable works, giving aid and support to those in need
~ Meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of the month
~ Proclaim God's Word at Sunday/Holy Day liturgies, once or twice a month
~ A clear speaking voice is necessary
~ Training from the Diocesan School of Liturgy (8 hours) plus a brief 30 minute training at Holy Eucharist Parish is required
~ Both adults and Confirmed teenage students are welcome
Meet and Greet Committee
~ Provides an opportunity for parishioners to socialize after Mass on the second Sunday of the month, October through May
~ Members purchase all necessary food, juices, milk and paper products as well as order and pick-up donuts, make coffee etc.and clean up the hall after the event. All this is required is a smile and a little energy to have our parishioners make new friends.
~ Cost reimbursements are provided by the parish office
Music Ministry
† Adult Choir sings at designated Sunday liturgies twice a month, Christmas Eve,Holy Week,and Confirmation
~ Sing the first Sunday of the month at St. Mary's Home (October-June)
~ Rehearsals are held in the church on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00 pm (September-June)
~ No formal training is required, however a basic knowledge of music reading is helpful and suggested
† Cantors are the leaders of song during liturgy
~ Leading the assembly in hymns, songs and responses,teaching new music,and proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm
~ Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm
~ Cantors are expected to have a basic knowledge of music reading as well as the ability to sing in tune
† Children's Choir is open to students in grades 1-6
~ Sings for the monthly Family Liturgy (October-May), the Christmas Eve Family Mass,and the May Crowning Mass
~ Rehearsals are held on Mondays, 4:30-5:30 pm (October-May)
~ All that is required is a love of singing and a willingness to participate in the assigned Masses
† Youth Music Group provides the music for designated Youth Masses throughout the year (September-May)
~ Open to any student in grades 7-12 who wishes to sing or play an instrument. They are required to attend rehearsals as determined by the Music Director
Parish Bulletin
~ The Sunday Bulletin is the primary source for timely communication of parish activities and neighboring parishes and communities
~ General information should be submitted to the parish office by Monday, 12:00 Noon, prior to the desired weekend bulletin. Blurbs and flyers can be emailed to
parishoffice@holyeucharistcherryhill.org or dropped off at the rectory office
Parish Calendar
~ Printed monthly with scheduled events throughout the year
~ Information for activities outside of Holy Eucharist Ministries that take place during the year must be sent into the parish office no later than the 15th of the previous month in which the event will take place
~ All events and activities are subject to the approval of the pastor
Prayer Shawl Ministry
~ Combines the love of knitting and crocheting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort or celebration
~ Members meet to knit or crochet, pray and talk with one another
~ The shawls are given for comfort, healing, or celebration to people who are experiencing a time of illness, recovery, loss, or joy
~ Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month in the parish center at 9:45 am, October through June
Sandwich Making for Our Homeless
~ Every 3rd Sunday of the Month beginning 8:00 am
~ Come before or after Mass to donate a few minutes or more to make sandwiches for the hungry around us
~ Please bring one or more: a loaf of king-sized bread, a pound of beef bologna, a pound of turkey, and/or a half-pound of sliced cheese
~ All are welcome! Parishioners as well as visiting friends
~ Sandwiches are donated to the homeless at New Visions Homeless Day Shelter located in Camden
Safe Environment
~ Adult employees and volunteers of Holy Eucharist Parish who have regular contact with minors (under 18 yrs. old) must undergo a clearance process which includes a criminal history background check, updated every 3 years
~ The clearance process applies to: all activities sponsored, promoted or organized by Holy Eucharist Parish or any other entity affiliated with the parish; any activity organized by an outside party who regularly conducts a program or activity specifically for minors on the parish's property
~ The Diocese of Camden's Office of Child and Youth Protection mandates that each parish have a Safe Environment Coordinator to begin the clearance process. Every person working with children will receive a packet from the coordinator which completely outlines the guidelines and expectations of the clearance process
~ Help to instill an atmosphere of friendship and hospitality to all attending Sunday/Holy Day liturgies by welcoming and greeting the people in a friendly and spirited way so as to set the appropriate tone for worship
~ Duties include seating people, taking collection, selecting gift bearers,counting attendance,directing Communion,responding to emergencies, distributing bulletins, and readying the church for the next Liturgy
~ Requirements include a willingness to be open, friendly, helpful, and cooperative and at least 18 years of age
Wednesday Quilters
~ Meet in the parish center on Wednesdays at 10:00 am, to work together to make twin-sized quilts for foster children and children in treatment homes
~ No experience is needed, just a desire to give time to this wonderful cause. Come join us!
Young Adult Group
Holy Eucharist Young Adult Group is for adults 21 to 40 years old.
~Join us during the months of September through May.
~Meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the parish hall, room 108.
~Different activities planned for each meeting. Hope you can join us!